Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back from Seattle

Sadly I'm back from the Seattle 60's and back to the Oklahoma 90's. I stepped off the plane in Seattle and immediately froze my bum off! With the convenience of Seattle shopping I was able to purchase some warmer clothes to manage their 50 degree mornings. How we forget what 50 feels like. The hometowners spotted me as a tourist quickly and made jokes about my coat. For real? How do they wear shorts in 50 degree weather? I have decided that I come from a family of very thin blood and boy do I HATE to be cold! At the football game a lady in the bathroom was laughing at our pom girls for wearing a jacket over their tiny little top. In my mind I was thinking how I wished we were playing this game in Oklahoma so I could see how their cheerleaders withstood the 100 degree heat. Then who'd be laughing at sweaty, stinky cheerleaders. :-) In spite of freezing while walking and doing the tourist things, I thought about how their weather this time of year is perfect for running. But who wants to run all by themselves in a city they barely know? Well, that was my excuse for not running. Then when I was so miserable after eating like a horse, I convinced myself I'd throw up if I worked out at the hotel fitness center. Excuses.... Excuses!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

It's that time of year again. The time when we start to look forward to fall weather and football. We are once again that crazy football family. My son gets home from school, does his homework, eats dinner and off we go to football 3 nights a week from 5:30-7:30. We play games on Saturday so actually we play football 4 days a week. Many of our friends question the degree of this insanity but my oldest son absolutely loves it. He has played 3 years, yes that is right- a 9 year old that a 3 year veteran to the sport. He is doing such a good job and I'm so proud of him.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I did it!

I have been reading about Christinia and Marybeth's accomplishments and honestly have become quite jealous. Today I took all that bottled up jealousy and hit the pavement. I drove back to my old neighborhood where I had all my former runs mapped out. I knew a nice and easy 4 mile run from my old house. I turned up the ipod and away I went. I ran 4.5 miles and I felt GREAT! Now that I am done and showered I wish I would have looped the neighborhood so I could say I ran 5 miles but oh well. So, now that I know I still have it in me I just have to get out there and do it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

Both my boys started school today. In a way I was happy to have them back in school but on the other hand I was sad to see them start another school year. I often get busy and don't take the time to reflect and be thankful for having such healthy, happy, handsome young men. As each school year passes, so does another year that I know I'll greatly miss as my boys continue to grow up. Today as I sent them into their classrooms I had that moment where you have to rely on your faith that they are taken care of when they are out of mom's watchful eye. With a quick prayer and a wipe of the eye I was on my way out of the school. I have thought of my boy's several times today wondering about their day. So until the school calls me to tell me Parker's in trouble in the office or Cade's sticking his tongue out at the teacher I will continue to miss them.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tummy Trouble

Last night I mentioned on the running blog that I was meeting a friend to run Boomer early this morning. I got up early (6:00 is early for me) and met my friend and we ran/walked around Boomer. Following my run/walk I decided to do a quick circuit at my new fitness center. I did another 1.5 miles along with legs and abs. I was feeling fatigued but satisfied with my workout. I came home and started cooking for my boys when I suddenly felt awful. My stomach was turning and I ran to the bathroom to get sick. After one episode in the bathroom and a little food in my stomach, I was all better. Lesson learned.... I must eat something before running 4.5 miles and doing a short circuit. I have never had this happened before. When Brooke and I worked out hard I often felt light headed but never sick to my stomach. Does anyone else ever get sick to their stomach like this?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My quirky nature

So I was TAGGED on my friend Brooke's blog to list 6 quirks I have. There are so many but which ones do I want to share??? hhmmm......
1. Link the person who tagged you...Brooke
2. Post these rules.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.

Okay, you asked for they are in no particular order.

1. I talk when I should listen which often means I interrupt. I think it is a nervous habit. When I am on the phone with someone this particular quirk is at it's worst. I hate silence, I find it awkward to wait for the other person to talk.

2. This one bothers me the most. I totally inherited this from my father and I will blame it on being a math person and having a small vocabulary. I have a difficult time expressing myself. I find myself at a loss for words to adequately describe my story and I become very irritated! Brooke helps me out here by filling in my blanks.

3. I am obsessed with my breath. I hate bad breath so I brush my teeth and use mouth rinse about 4 times a day. Weirdo!!

4. I pop my pelvis (at least I think it's my pelvis) every day. I discovered I was able to pop this joint at a very early age while stretching getting ready for basketball. It's like popping your knuckles, a habit you shouldn't start.

5. I have this inability to say no. This happens when the school, church, or family needs me to do something that I am not comfortable doing but yet I still can't say no. My friends say it's easy to do but I find it difficult. Situations arise often where I find myself talking silently in my head practicing the phrase but when the time comes the words no do not!

6. I have a 4 hour time limit in a car. This becomes a problem when we travel. Air fair is expensive but worth it versus listening to a grown adult ask, "Are we there yet?" (Reminds me of Shreck 3... the donkey going to far, far away.)

Now I must tag....Since I know very few people who blog other than the ones who have tagged me I will just leave this one to the blog stalkers.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Redneck Family

Cade and Smokey

One thing that we have really enjoyed about living outside of the city limits is the ability to ride motorcycles and 4 wheelers whenever we want. My oldest son loves to ride. He definitely has his father's ability when it comes to off roadin'. I'm sure Jeff Foxworthy would use my family in his famous line, "You might be a redneck." It would sound something like this. If you put more miles on your atv each day than your car, you might be a redneck. We discovered that living in the country would require a few cats. A friend of a friend blessed us with 4 although we asked for 2 cats. The boys ride their motorcycles to the shop/barn everyday several times a day to check on our newest additions to our family. These cats are ok. They seem to lack a little of the cute genes but they get the job done which is taking care of the barn. The boys have named them smokey, nosey, squeaky, and snowball.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Promised Pictures

Parker using the computer in office without office furniture.

Cade and his fractured elbow having a lazy Sunday.

Second view of the living room.


Formal Dinning Room

I had pictures of the Master Bedroom but my hubby was resting and gave me a gesture as I took the picture. I didn't think it was appropriate for the blog.

Cade talking to grandma. Notice the enormous blue cast!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

This is from Brooke
Name: Shanon Rae Nicholas
Maiden name: Sylvester
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blondish Brown
height: 5'3" But I wish I were taller.
How would you describe yourself? Short, talkative, athletic, and thoughtful.
Either/Shy or Outgoing? Shy unless I know the group then deffinately outgoing.
Spender or saver? Depends what we are buying. Furniture or clothes... spender! Groceries or house supplies a saver.
Truth or Dare? Both.
Books or Movies? Deffinately movie.
Romantic Comedy or Action/Adventure? Romantic Comedy
Cats or Dogs? I have both and they all irriatate me in the new house.
Mountain or Beach? I just like to travel so I say both and let's do them on the same vacation!Sweet or Salty? Sweet.
Do you...Get Annoyed Easily? Are you kidding? Right now I am annoyed with all these questions. Like to Travel? YES! Going to Seattle the end of the month.
Like to drive fast? WEll ya. Who doesn't? I am still driving fast so I can name drop!
Sing Well? I like to think so.
Have a Talent? Sure I do.
Watch Scary Movies? Hate them. Bad dreams..
Shave your legs everyday? No, every other.
Floss regularly? Absolutely. Anyone that had braces as an adult will say the same answer.
Get Motion Sickness? Horribly. Can't even ride a rollercoaster anymore.
Have you ever...Performed on Stage? Sang as a trio at my high school graduation.
Been out of the country? Where? Yes, to Mexico
Had any body hair waxed? Of course.
Lied about your age? Probably.
Used a fake ID? Used my sisters
Gotten a Speeding ticket? A few
What is...The last CD you bought? Do people buy those anymore?
The last movie you saw in the Theater? Sex in the City
The last movie you rented? One for the kids... soccer dog? I think.
Your Greatest Fear? Something happening to one of my children
Your Greatest Strength? Faith
Your Greatest Weakness? My children saying... PLEASE
Your Happiest Memory? Finding out I was Pregnant.
Your Favorite...Movie: Too many
TV Show: Prison Break, The Bachelor, Samantha Who, and many more but the writer's strike last years has made me bitter.
Actor: Morgan Freeman
Actress: Cameron Diaz though some of her movies are stupid but I find her humor oddly similiar to my own.
Food: BBQ, VegiePizza, and Chips and Salsa (if we are eating bad)
Drink: Decaf Tea
Color: Pink
Scent: A clean house... doesn't happen much.
Season and WHY: Autumn -- crisp nights and beautiful colors.
Day of the Week and WHY: Fridays, mostly from my childhood but now I notice my kids are happier on Fridays for the same reason.
Favorite Stores: Nordstroms, Anthropologie, Niketown, and of course Academy
Quote: "Hard work beats ability when ability fails to work hard" Adrienne Peterson
What do you Think About... fitness, and health mostly
Miracles: sure I believe in them
Astrology: Scorpio
War: Scarey and misunderstood.
Ghosts: Definitely, but I don't want to think about it.
Reincarnation: Not sure again, scarey!
Karma: Yep, can't wait for some people to get their's!
Luck: Of course
Aliens: Hope not.
Tell us one of your most embarrassing moments: Why would I tell everyone my most embarrassing moments? That would be my most embarrassing moment.


The computer is finally up and running. It is sitting in the middle of the office on a rug but at least is working. The office furniture comes Tuesday (a birthday gift for the hubby) and then the house will look like a real home. All the rooms are now put together and unpacked. The last 2 weeks have been quite eventful. Last week my youngest son got tangled up with the dog coming down the stairs and fractured his elbow. He is in a cast for the next 5 weeks. I'll post a picture of the poor guy soon. Also, I finally made the decision that some of my daily routines need altered. Mainly, my commute to the gym. The gym that I have belonged to for 3+ years is across town. There's a gym with a pool, golf course, tanning, and game room for the kids less than 2 miles from my house. It only seems practical to join the closer gym and allow my kids some recreation. The kids are begging for some computer time but I'll post all the pictures I promised later.