Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's a snow... I mean ice day

This picture was taken from the hill the boys have named "the big hill." This is where most the college kids sled on their snow days. Cade flew down this hill and finally stopped a few inches from my feet.
This picture is taken from our backyard. Carey is pulling the boys on the 4-wheeler. YEE-HAW!

Parker and I for our close up at the big hill. Right after this picture he asked if he could call Megan to come ride the sled with him because I was too chicken! Check out his chin... would you sled down the big hill???

Cade and I in our WARM sledding clothes. Check out his red face.

The boys were out of school Tuesday and again today (Wednesday) for bad weather. The weather included ice, sleet, and a little snow. We took the bad weather in stride making best use of our ATV and lake tube. Who said you can only pull a tube behind a boat? I was shocked to see Cade enjoying the cold weather this year. In years past, we spent more time watching dad and brother from the warm truck. :-) Not this year... another sign that my baby is getting big! Boo hoo!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I really want to be a runner...

Today was a picture perfect running day: weather was great (near 70), late morning, and a slight breeze. Only thing wrong... my iPod quit! Today I was going for a 4 mile run. Just a nice easy pace and then I find out my iPod isn't working. UGH! This 4 mile run quickly turned into a 2 mile killer run. It was the worst run in a long time. Enough complaining though. I came home and decided I needed some motivation. Here's some cool quotes:

"A bad day of running still beats a good day at work."

"No matter how slow you run it is still faster than someone sitting on a couch."
My favorite!

"Races aren’t just for those who can run fast."

Megan, you must read this one!!
If you say, “Let’s run this race together,” then you must stay with that person no matter how slow.

"All runners are equal, some are just faster than others."

Sunday, January 18, 2009

3 more miles

I have promised Megan I would run with her in a 10k in April. I run the small runs on the treadmill in the comfort of the indoors with tv and watch the weather for the "best" day each week to run the longer run outdoors. Todays weather was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! I hurried home after the wrestling match (OSU vs. Iowa), changed into my running clothes and headed over to the lake to run. My first mile was great, good pace and felt good. The start of the second mile I started thinking to myself, "maybe I should have paced myself better" by the end of the second mile I was telling myself, "there will be no walking so just suck it up" and finally my third mile and thought, "just make it to the car." By the time I made it to my car I had beaten my best time (which isn't that great) and finished the full three miles in just under 32:30. I know I am a morning runner: red bull, then run; exactly in that order. Megan I hope that when you are 30 (well 30 something) and have two kids that you still run with me cause if you don't .... well there will be hell to pay. haha

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A few more pictures

Happy New Year!

Bolder in November

Seattle in August

Moved into new house July

New Orleans March

2008 certainly went fast for me. Every year seems to go by a little faster. The boys continue to grow and get older and before long they will be teenagers!!!! 2008 was a good year. Looking back through photos I noticed we did a lot! Take a look....