Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gone to SD and Cade's broke nose

The saying goes when it rains it pours. That saying is really bringing meaning to my household this last month. First Carey got hurt at regionals and found out he needed surgery. Foot surgery scheduled for Wed Feb 24th and guess who gets sick... I mean really sick like H1N1... yup, me! I threw up so many times my abs hurt. My parents came up be with Carey while he had surgery because I couldn't quit throwing up long enough to go although I did drive the 3 or 4 miles with a throw up bowl in tote to drop him off. My girls weekend planned weeks in advance before injured foot and H1N1 nearly taking my life was planned for none other than the weekend after Carey's surgery. With the go ahead from Carey to board the airplane in spite of his recent surgery and my interpretation of Lisa Nowak's diaper wearing days (not the plot to kill) I boarded the plane with my Imodium AD and pepto tablets. Despite not eating for 2 straight days and jet lag I was having a good time with my girls. Saturday I get a phone call from Carey telling me he was taking Cade to the ER because he had been hurt at baseball practice... another boys accidentally hit him with a bat IN HIS NOSE! All I could think about is how far I was away from my poor baby and Carey was on crutches AND he was bleeding AND he needed his momma AND his momma needed her baby! After calming down (and two Margaretta's) Carey called back and said Cade's nose was broke but he was ok. PHEW! All the crazy thoughts that go through a momma head. Thankfully this scared momma was catching a very early flight the next morning to come home to see her baby who by the way missed his crazy momma very much.

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